Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018
Review- Aruna dan Lidahnya
Inih... One of the movie bulan oktober yang masuk ke list gue. Tapi, kalau bukan karena temen gue, mungkin gue bakal tetep ngerasa kalo this movie is not worth to watch tough it has Nic and Dian. They got into my list just because of Nic and Dian. I thought that it would be like other Indonesian's romance cliche movies. I admit it now, I was wrong. This movie was awfully took me to another world. Lebay ya... hehhhehe tapi bener gitu kok.
Jadi dimulai karena tiba-tiba lidah Mbak Aruna merasa kelu, engga sih, hehehhe. Her tongue kind of could not taste the right taste from some foods which made her crazy. So her bestie, Bono (Nicholas Saputra), suggested her to take a vacation together, as it had been a long time since the last time they went vacay together. Seperti yang udah kita tebak, that this movie will tell a lot about foods, yups, jadi mereka rencana vacay untuk kulineran. Keduanya setuju buat pergi, eeehhh beberapa hari kemudian, Mbak Aruna ternyata ditugasin buat investigasi ke beberapa daerah gitu. Jadilah mereka pergi ke lokasi-lokasi Mbak Aruna harus kerja dan teteeep kulineran.
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