Haloo, I'm back.
It's been a while since the last post, ya !!! So happy I can spare a time again on it.
in this post, I'll share about hmmm... how is it to walk in a misty road of my life.
Enjoy reading, everyone 😄😄😄😄
So, setelah perjalanan yang lumayan berat awal tahun ini, I decided to take no more care on anything I cared before. I just want to focus on anything that i want to achieve. There, my new journey had just started. Nevertheless, as you guys know, there's nothing easy on this world, right? that's a valid thing for me either. I tried and I fell, then I tried again and I fell again, till some times. But I never want to give up anymore. I really wanted to see what will happen when I did decide not to give up.
Then, everything started to run smoother and smoother until I felt that I had just healed. I also felt that everyone besides me was really very good persons as they were always there for me whenever I fell and vice versa. I felt the bliss just for those small things. But it all felt as sweet nothing in a flash. It did fluster me out.
Selasa, 19 September 2017
Jumat, 30 Juni 2017
It's a bit gloomy today haha. Dunno, maybe it's just me.
This won't be a long thread like before. I'll just write it short, straight to the point.
So, letting go... every person must have experienced this kind of stuff, including me. haha (Getir)
Some say, it is easy to do but some say it is hard to do.
For me, I dunno whether it's hard or easy to do.
I have no reason for that answer. Like the other persons, I also want to let go of anything that burdens me a lot.
I also want to have a normal life without this kind of resentment.
But what can I do? I am just a helpless, powerless person. haha
I'm pretty sure, deep inside my soul I really want to let go of everything.
But trust me, I dunno how. I don't even bother my self to think about it, cause it would make me explode.
I am a normal human too, even I'm a bit weird.
I have a limit in my life, I am not a God.
Frankly saying, I just can't take it anymore.
I really truly want it to end. All the pain that I've carried.
All the pain that I don't even know where is the root laying.
I want them to stop. I ... I just can't take it anymore.
I want to let them go, all the pain.
Selasa, 27 Juni 2017
Hi everybody!!
So happy to be back. So, in this happy beautiful and other expressions occasion, I'll talk about "Hal paling susah untuk dilakukan"
Remember, every person's point of views into something is different. Hence, I am here not to judge or to tell which one is true and which one is not. I am just sharing what's in my mind to the world. So, wise full readers I am gladly invite you to ask anything about what I've written or anything that bothers your mind because of me. So, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me. 😊😊😊
Jadi back to the topic. Apa sih yang paling sulit dilakukan selama kalian maupun aku hidup?
Well, gue yakin jawaban setiap orang pasti beda. Setiap orang punya pengalaman dan peristiwa-peristiwa hidupnya masing masing yang berbeda pada setiap orang. Begitupun dengan cara menyikapi setiap kejadian. Setiap orang memiliki cara tersendiri untuk menyikapi setiap peristiwa yang terjadi di dalam hidup mereka.
Well, gue yakin jawaban setiap orang pasti beda. Setiap orang punya pengalaman dan peristiwa-peristiwa hidupnya masing masing yang berbeda pada setiap orang. Begitupun dengan cara menyikapi setiap kejadian. Setiap orang memiliki cara tersendiri untuk menyikapi setiap peristiwa yang terjadi di dalam hidup mereka.
Selasa, 21 Maret 2017
Change (v) merupakan
bahasa inggris yang memiliki arti mengubah. Dia adalah kata kerja yang kadang
paling gue benci. Tapi kalau kata tersebut disampaikan dengan baik, maka tidak
akan sedikitpun kata itu akan melukai perasaan seseorang. Namun jika,
penggunaan kata itu dibarengi dengan pemaksaan maka, there’s no chance that word will not hurt.
Terkadang apa yang
diinginkan oleh seseorang yang kita sayangi bertolak belakang dengan keinginan
kita. Bahkan bertolak belakang dengan diri kita. Atas nama rasa sayang kita
mungkin akan menyerahkan diri dan membuka diri untuk mengikuti keinginannya. Tak
ada yang salah dengan hal tersebut. Namun, semakin lama kita membuka diri kita
semakin kita membiarkan orang itu take
control of us. Well, nggak semua
orang seperti itu, tapi ada beberapa orang yang akan merasakan hal seperti itu.
Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017
Hi, I'm back!!
Beberapa waktu yang lalu beberapa orang nanyain "kenapa gak posting lagi?"
HAHAHA akhirnya ada yang nanyain juga, biasanya gak pernah ada yang nanyain. I'm very happy for that fact ehehe
Meskipun sedikit telat, but surely, I still need to say this.
Meskipun sedikit telat, but surely, I still need to say this.
I wish for every best thing to be happening in this new year of 2017.
May all bad things lies back not to go through as the year changing.
Sebenernya udah pengen posting ini seminggu yang lalu, namun kondisi mental yang tidak memungkinkan jadi baru diposting sekarang. Even though baru diposting sekarang, tapi gue merasa ini lebih baik. Why? Karena di minggu kedua tahun baru ini gue merasa like TOTALLY feeling blessed. I don't know why, but everything kept giving me surprises.
May all bad things lies back not to go through as the year changing.
Sebenernya udah pengen posting ini seminggu yang lalu, namun kondisi mental yang tidak memungkinkan jadi baru diposting sekarang. Even though baru diposting sekarang, tapi gue merasa ini lebih baik. Why? Karena di minggu kedua tahun baru ini gue merasa like TOTALLY feeling blessed. I don't know why, but everything kept giving me surprises.
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