Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018

Review- Aruna dan Lidahnya

Inih... One of the movie bulan oktober yang masuk ke list gue. Tapi, kalau bukan karena temen gue, mungkin gue bakal tetep ngerasa kalo this movie is not worth to watch tough it has Nic and Dian. They got into my list just because of Nic and Dian. I thought that it would be like other Indonesian's romance cliche movies. I admit it now, I was wrong. This movie was awfully took me to another world. Lebay ya... hehhhehe tapi bener gitu kok.

Jadi dimulai karena tiba-tiba lidah Mbak Aruna merasa kelu, engga sih, hehehhe. Her tongue kind of could not taste the right taste from some foods which made her crazy. So her bestie, Bono (Nicholas Saputra), suggested her to take a vacation together, as it had been a long time since the last time they went vacay together. Seperti yang udah kita tebak, that this movie will tell a lot about foods, yups, jadi mereka rencana vacay untuk kulineran. Keduanya setuju buat pergi, eeehhh beberapa hari kemudian, Mbak Aruna ternyata ditugasin buat investigasi ke beberapa daerah gitu. Jadilah mereka pergi ke lokasi-lokasi Mbak Aruna harus kerja dan teteeep kulineran.

Kamis, 06 September 2018

Dear the Worst Time

Kalo biasanya gue bahas hal2 yang mungkin ga penting banget atau hmmm ga jelas… kali ini gue pengen kasih tulisan spesial buat temen2 gue. Hehehehe


To my Worst time a year ago,

Dear my friends that contributed in that time, I would say thank you from the deepest. To be honest I cannot be this mature without all what you’ve done that time. So thank you for all the worst times you’ve been given to me. Although it was really hard for me to accept the reality and starting over, I am very glad for that scars to be happened. I did deal with lots of stuff because of you guys for a year. It turned out to be the worst year in my life. But I’m still grateful.

Saying that I have forgiven you is still a hard thing. However, I’m still trying to give the thing called forgiveness. I know in your side you might always think that what you’d done to me was right. Well, I do understand that. But for me it was really not right and I believe in that. Truthfully there always been a slight thought that you guys might understand what I mean. But I know that we are not one person as in every person has their own thoughts.

In this life full of upside down, I hope you can survive, well I think you will despite of everything. But I do dearly hope that there will be no one to be your next target. I do sincerely hope that your life will be better.

For those who always stood for me in my worst time, I'm so grateful to be able having your care that time. It was really nice of you guys. :)) though your care did not really heal me thoroughly, but it also played a big role in my life. Thank you for calming me down, thank you for your hugs. Thank you for your companies, for those hateful and calming words, for all the swearing and your presents.

I end my war here.

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

Salah Sangka

Puhleeaasee.. Tolong jangan salah sangka sama gue!! hahahahhahaa

Iya, jadi malem ini temen gue tiba2 ngechat gw, nanyain pertanyaan yang aneh.
Enggak aneh2 banget si.. Cuman dia jarang aja nanya kayak gitu.
Biasa gue yang nanya, apa kabar? Lagi dimana? Lagi ngapain?
Udah kayak pacar posesif gak si?
Dia temen gue, cewek, asal jawa tengah, medok, ngapak original. Well, sekarang kalo ngomong basa indonesia udah engga semedok dulu sih. Tapi masih kedengeran medok dikit lah.

Sebelum gue ceritain isi chatnya, mending gue kasih tau dulu kondisi cuaca saat ini.
Sekarang hari sabtu, malem, hujan barusan banget berhenti. So, it feels like a bit gloomy.
Gloomy, dingin, petang, basah dan berisik (tetangga sebelah lagi nonton piala dunia).

Saat gue lagi enak2nya dengerin musik dan nonton MV-nya dari youtube di HP butut gue, tiba-tiba HP gue munculin notif. *Jreng* Gue biarin lah sampe MV-nya selesai. Gue kepo, karena gak biasa2nya, HP gue rame notif di sabtu malam.

Sabtu, 14 April 2018


Hai, para Readers yang budiman. Kali ini gue kembali dengan tulisan tentang jombloooooooo...
Jadi gue tiba tiba kepikiran tentang ini, karena ga tau kenapa, sebagian orang di di sekitar gue yang jomblo akhir-akhir ini mulai lebih sering komplen tentang statusnya sebagai jomblo. Mungkin kami sudah mulai berumur 😁😁😁

Gue pernah denger dari orang yang gue ga kenal, they said jomblo is "hina", yang lain bilang "ya emang kenapa jomblo?" terus ada juga yang bilang kalo jomblo itu bukan pilihan hmmm. Ini tulisan gak bermaksut untuk menghina siapapun, okay!? Because just for your information, I am a super single means "Jomblo since birth" believe it or not, well that's me. Stop talking about me. let's get started.

When The Rainbow Becomes Grayish

 I dedicated this to myself who has always been flourishing to survive in every condition.  It all started in 2017 when this girl almost gra...