Hai, para Readers yang budiman. Kali ini gue kembali dengan tulisan tentang jombloooooooo...
Jadi gue tiba tiba kepikiran tentang ini, karena ga tau kenapa, sebagian orang di di sekitar gue yang jomblo akhir-akhir ini mulai lebih sering komplen tentang statusnya sebagai jomblo. Mungkin kami sudah mulai berumur 😁😁😁
Gue pernah denger dari orang yang gue ga kenal, they said jomblo is "hina", yang lain bilang "ya emang kenapa jomblo?" terus ada juga yang bilang kalo jomblo itu bukan pilihan hmmm. Ini tulisan gak bermaksut untuk menghina siapapun, okay!? Because just for your information, I am a super single means "Jomblo since birth" believe it or not, well that's me. Stop talking about me. let's get started.
Banyak temen gue ngerasa kalo being a jomblo is kind of a "ngenes" situation. Hahahaa. Gue pun pernah ngerasa hal kayak gitu. Merasa jadi cewe ngenes seterdunia karena ga pernah punya pasangan. But as time passed by, lots of things happened, gue jadi berpikir kembali. Well, gue gak punya pasangan tapi gue bisa survive, so what? Being a Jomblo is not a disgrace. Gitu lah...
Well, gue bukan mau ngomongin itu sih. I feel like, banyak orang out there ketika mereka single kind of have feeling like that is the end of their world. So, gue mau ngasi tau, bagi kalian di luar sana yang ngerasa Jomblo is the end of your world, gue pikir sih, itu kurang bijak yaa. Sometimes, you guys need to be grateful. Terkadang jadi single itu bisa ngasi berbagaaaiii kenikmatan. Contoh nih ya.. as a "single" elu bisa ngelirik sana sinii hahahhaa... terus lu bebasss mau kemana aja, paling nyokap lu doang yang nyariin. Then, lo bisa travelling around anywhere you want to go without worrying anyone.
As a single, kadang gue mikir, ini tuh saat-saat terindah gue kalo dibandingin sama temen-temen gue, which is sebagian besar temen gue sekarang udah mulai naik ke pelaminan satu persatu. O iya, hmm gue actually a bit allergic to marriage, so don't talk to me about marriage. But I'll make the article about that once lah, in the future.
Dibandingin temen-temen gue, gue bisa sebebas mungkin mau ngelakuin apa aja. Mau pake baju apa aja, mau suka sama siapa aja, mau ngelirik siapapun even oppa2 korea. hahahaha. Well, some of temen gue ngerasa terkekang as they have BF or fiancee ato apapunlah itu namanya. Karena mereka ga bisa sebebas gue. hahahaha
Tapi dibalik itu semua, ada rasa duka terselip di lubuk hati gue terdalam. guess what??? gak selamanya kebebasan itu bikin gue happy, kadang gue ngerasa iri sama mereka. Despite of keterkekangan, gue ngeliat sisi manis dari punya pasangan which I never had before sampe sekarang. Something feels wrong sometimes, but I know setiap orang punya nasibnya masing-masing.
sometimes, I tried hard to find someone that will be the one for me.
they said it's easy, they also said that it's easy to make any man mine.
but for me, it's just a hard tasks to do. Even mathematics is totally easier task to do hahahhaa
you know what, sometimes i feel pathetic because of this.
But lately, I realize some things;
1. Everyone has different timeline
2. What makes other happy won't be exactly makes me happy
3. What I see are all just the pictures of the covers, I never know what's the "behind stages" be like
4. Last but not least, I should be grateful for everything.
All those 4 things made me realize that this life that I am leading is the rightest life that God ever given to me. Hence, I just need to be grateful. So, for every single person out there that commencing their selves as "Jomblo" and ever felt like me, please read those 4 things and may be that will help you feel better and live this life gracefully and be your self. Everything will get better at the right time. If it's not today, then it might be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or the other next day. Just believe that the time will surely come while you try harder to survive.
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Hai, para Readers yang budiman. Kali ini gue kembali dengan tulisan tentang jombloooooooo... Jadi gue tiba tiba kepikiran tentang ini, kare...
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